Dremel = Barrel porting.

by admin on April 2, 2009

Over the past few days we have been working on some barrel porting.  This involves a dremel with a flex shaft, face mask, and some steady hands.  Basically we take a stock barrel and widen the intake and exhaust ports to get more performance out of the engine, without blowing up.  Please do not try this at home.

More gas means more power right?   We’ll we will get more gas in there by bigger holes right?   See what happens when you get power tools in the wrong hands.  We can take advantage of some indoor engine work when the weather is to cold outside. 

I’ll post a few images when we complete the modifications to the barrel.  I’ll do a before and after shot.  We’ll use Chris’ barrel for the before shot…  hee hee.

One comment

can you send me photos of you r porting i been porting lammys for 30 plus years and i always want to see what others are doing, measurements as well, ie how wider how higher how lower etc etc. in particular any worm hole work you are doing

by kevin on March 26, 2010 at 7:04 am. #

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