Priming the frames

by admin on April 6, 2009

We spent the day continuing to sand the large parts such as the frames, leg shields and panels in my back yard. We were able to get the frames sanded and started some panels to get the first coat of primer. We are using a mix of spray primer and some controversial roller techniques. The temperature dropped so that slowing the drying time down a lot.

We moved the stuff in the garage and fired up the propane heater (BBQ) to get some heat going. Not much time left to make it for the Niagara rally. Chris mentioned going skinny, not sure if we are down to that yet. Wost case we delay the effort of one scooter to get at least 2 scooters to Niagara. We will assess over the next few weeks.

Yo, I may have landed an 12 volt electronic ignition system to replace my 6 volt points and condensers. I have to arrange a pick-up from oddball kustoms, believe it or not they had one available. What luck.


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